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how seo works

How SEO / Search Engine Optimization works?

There are lot of arguments and studies that talk about how SEO works and most of them also have these fancy like SERPs, organic ranking, black hat, backlinks, panda penalties, algorithms, etc. As confusing as these sound, the basic mechanism of SEO is simple to be understood by everyone if it’s put down correctly.


Terminologies Used in SEO:

Anchor Text: Anchor text is term used in SEO industry for Hyperlinks. These are very essential as these are considered important by search engines if it has relevant keywords in them.

Title Tag: Title Tag otherwise called Page title is a tag (<title>) used in the head section of .html file. This basically describes the title of the page. Search engines look into title to find the relevancy of the queried term and the most relevant title put together with other factors is used to decide the order of results.

Meta Description: Meta-Description is another tag used under title tag in .html file, whose purpose is to describe the whole page. While these don’t have a lot of effect on search results, these might be important to get more clicks as these are displayed in results.

301 Redirect: When pages are deleted or URL’s are changed, they won’t be deleted from web. When someone tries to get into these links, it’ll show a 404 error page. So in order to not lose result authority, these deleted URL’s are redirected to a working link. This is called 301 redirect.

Keyword: A keyword or keyword phrase is a word or set of words that exemplify the brand, its services, or products. Keywords are important because they help users and the search engines better identify what your webpages are about.

Indexing: It is a task that search engine processes on a regular basis where the data across web is collected and stored. So when a new page/new version of a page is found by search engines, they copy a version of the page to their database, so that they can be retrieved when someone searches.

Internal & External Links: Internal links are basically different levels in the same website. For example, the links in menu section are internal links. External links are the links on any page of your website which takes them out of the website somewhere else.

Canonical URL: These are the URL’s that have same structure but are duplicates and need to have a different destination/outcome. For example, if you have a product with different colors, you will have canonical URL’s for each of the product color you have.

There are several other factors that affect and influence your optimization which is not included here.

We thought of keeping it simple for giving an understanding on how SEO works and what all you need to know when you want to ask your SEO agency to work on your project.

We have spoken a lot with people and here is the list of things you might have misunderstood:

  • SEO is not done by just choosing and including a set of keywords.
  • Social Media is not the only thing that needs to be done in offsite optimization.
  • SEO doesn’t just happen in days. It takes around 4-6 months and tons of effort.
  • You cannot come to top of the search results page just by having a good website. Domain age does matter.
  • Yes, website responsiveness and user experience matter in SEO.
  • And yes, you can do it too! It just takes a lot of time, effort, knack and dedication.


Key Elements of SEO:

There are two elements that effect SEO. Namely – Onsite Optimization and Offsite Optimization.

Onsite optimization is basically your website structure, content and content relevancy.

Things that needs to be done in onsite search engine optimization:

  • Targeting best keywords.
  • Matching content body with your focus keywords.
  • Having SEO friendly website structure and user experience.
  • Describing the best possible solution for needed problem.

Offsite optimization is where your website, brand, products, etc. are referred through other online sources.

Things that needs to be done in offsite search engine optimization:

  • Creating authority, presence and followers on incoming links.
  • Having a good social media presence.
  • Citations that describes you or your products.
  • Getting on high quality content that refer your website.
  • Having active presence in other relevant websites/portals.
  • Forum submissions
  • Blog directory submissions
  • Article submission
  • Question & Answer sites
  • Image, Video and Document sharing

Doing these in a proper way is the key to get into top results. It’s all about having a strategy, implementing techniques, practicing tactics and sticking with a proper frequency.

It’s a lot of fun doing it. Take it from us, we do it for a living. Learn how seo works here…

Happy Optimizing!

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